Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the new Soda Dictator

Billionaire New York City Mayor Michael (the mouth) Bloomberg is at it again

Dictator: (via Merriam-Webster)
a : a person granted absolute emergency power; especially : one appointed by the senate of ancient Rome 
b : one holding complete autocratic control

Yep, there he goes again.

Who? Well it is non other than New York City Mayor/Dictator Mike Bloomberg coming out with his latest sensation ("Crazy Notion of the Month?")

Mad Man Mike (Bloomberg) has proposed eliminating large sugary soft drinks in order to curb obesity. The New York City ban plan would make it illegal for food service establishments such as restaurants, street vendors, sports venues and movie theaters to serve sugary drinks that are over 16 ounces.

According to Mike Himself:
 "Obesity deaths have grown to 5,000 and will soon exceed the number of smoking deaths [in New York City]. You can still be obese, we are just telling you this is detrimental to your health and helping you understand that with portion size."
Sorry (not really) Mike, Think Billions disagrees.

Long, live Diet Coke!