Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mark Cuban backs away from the Dodgers Roulette table

Yes, you heard correctly, Mark Cuban has done the smart thing.

Mark Cuban, the savvy basketball billionaire businessman that he is, has backed away from the insanity that is becoming the legalized gambling and bidding contest for the LosAngeles-DivorceCourt-ChavezRevene-MattKempGotScrewed-Dodgers.

This ownership battle is no longer about baseball or watching Clayton Kershaw pitch a 1-hitter. It is about who will be Baseball King of Los Angeles and enjoy the benefits of a huge cash flow cornucopia; aka the future re-negotiated TV rights to the Dodgers

Good luck Dodgers. You'll probably finish third or forth in the West again this season.

For now, Arte Moreno, owner of the LosAngeles-Anaheim-OrangeCounty-Angels-of-SealBeach, is King of baseball in the Southland.

As the song says: "Where have you gone Sandy Koufax?" or was that Joe DiMaggio??